Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world. Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands, of which only about 7,000 islands are inhabited. Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra, and Papua are the main islands in Indonesia. Besides that, Indonesia also has small islands like Bali, Karimunjawa, Gili and Lombok which are local and international tourist destinations. The capital of Indonesia is Jakarta, which is located on Java.
Geographically, the Indonesian archipelago is located between 5 ° 54 "08" north longitude to 11 ° 08 "20" south longitude and 95 ° 00'38 "to 141 ° 01-12" east longitude. Some islands are located on the equator. Therefore, day and night have almost the same time, which is 12 hours. Based on its broad geographical location, the territory of Indonesia is divided into 3 time zones namely WIB (West Indonesia Time), WITA (Central Indonesian Time) and WIT (Eastern Indonesia Time). From one island to another there can be a time difference of up to 8 hours.
In addition to beautiful islands, Indonesia's tropical climate also makes Indonesia a major tourist destination. The best time to travel to Indonesia is during the summer which runs from April to October. March and November are seasons. At the turn of the season, the weather in Indonesia can become erratic. Rain, hot sun and heavy wind can come together in one day. Meanwhile, the rainy season usually runs from December to March.
"Unity in Diversity" which means "diverse but one" is the national logo of the Republic of Indonesia. This logo illustrates a pluralistic, but still one, Indonesian society that also holds the life of the Indonesian people. Until 2016, Indonesian citizens are estimated to reach 250 million. Indonesia is the 4th largest country in the world after China, India and America (Source: Statista.de, 2016). Indonesian society consists of around 300 tribes, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Chinese, Dayak and Papuan tribes. Each tribe has its dialect. Overall there are more than 360 dialects that enrich Indonesian culture. However "Indonesian Language" is a national language which is also a unifier of the Indonesian nation. English which is an international language is also a language that is often used in Indonesia. English is included in the primary school curriculum in Indonesia and is a business language. Also, Indonesia has pluralism in religious life. Most of the Indonesian population embraces Islam. Less than 10% of Indonesian society is divided into several religious groups such as Roman Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. A small number of Indonesian people also still embrace traditional religions such as kejawen which is often found on Java.